Thursday, June 21, 2012

Intention is a 9 Letter Word...

If writing was as easy as solving the square root of the reciprocal of the diameter of the apple I ate this morning, you might be entertained by my writing. However, because it is not you may be bored after reading the first sentence if not the first 3 words. I struggle with the usage and definitions of words that contain more than 5 letters and have more than two syllables. Thank goodness though for a government that sees it necessary for everyone to attempt to speak and write its own language properly. I haven't always enjoyed writing or English class and to be honest it doesn't get my heart pumping with excitement. I do really enjoy reading great written novels, blogs, stories etc., and so am going to look at this opportunity to join the ranks of an "interesting" and possibly more "entertaining" writer who actually uses a few adjectives to paint a somewhat interesting picture that a 5-year-old listening would stare at me with much confusion because I sounded as though I were speaking a foreign language. I guess my point is, I feel as though my writing is very elementary and I would like to not only improve my vocabulary, but also to be able to express and paint the feelings and thoughts that I have on the inside - outwardly in a more adult-like fashion. I don't expect to become a literary genius, but I would like to improve my writing skills so I don't sound like I grew up in the backwoods of Arkansas with the hillbillies handfishin' for a livin'!

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